Henry David Thoreau’s concept of clothing

Henry David Thoreau’s concept of Clothing

There are some psychological needs for human survival, and clothing is one of those few significant needs. America’s famous essayist, poet, and philosopher Henry David Thoreau, a leading transcendentalist as well, demonstrates in his famous book Walden; or, Life in the Woods regarding the type of clothing and …

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Henry David Thoreau’s concept of shelter

Henry David Thoreau’s concept of Shelter/House

In Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, shelter is one of the few significant components, belongs to the psychological needs’ stage which is the most important among the five stages since the other stages’ needs are considered secondary until these psychological needs are met. Hence, discussions regarding …

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Gulliver’s Travels as a political satire

Gulliver’s Travels as a political satire

Political satire is a kind of satire that specially concentrates on gaining amusement from political aspects. That device is used with a subversive intent where political discord and discussion are prohibited by an administration, as a way of continuing political arguments where arguments are expressly …

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A psychoanalytic reading of Norwegian Wood

Haruki Muraki’s Norwegian Wood: A Psychoanalytic Reading

Haruki Murakami’s Norwegian Wood demands a psychoanalytic reading as it basically circles around the characters’ youth and psyche. The novel possesses a number of themes, i.e. loneliness; isolation; memory; death and life; alienation; mourning and melancholy; suicide; musical motif; existential crisis; lack and loss; sexuality, etc. and …

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Critical interpretation of Tereza’s Nightmares

Critical interpretation of Tereza’s Nightmares

Tereza had a very problematic childhood. She has a very significant relationship with her body and that relationship has something to do with her past. The philosophy of life of both Tereza’s mother and Tereza are totally poles apart. The value system that Tereza’s mom …

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